
Nuts, Nut, pistachio, Almond, Hazelnut, Walnut, Dried Fig, Dried Apricot

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About Nuts

We offer the great snacks for those who appreciate the taste of the palate. It takes its flavor from its freshness. Delightful dates turn into memories, accompanied by a special aromatic and flavor.


Nuts Varieties

There are many sorts of nuts according to taste, production type and place. Here are some of the nuts varieties: Roasted And Salted Cashew Nuts, Pistachio, Roasted And Salted Peanut, Roasted And Salted Pumpkin Seeds, Roasted And Salted Turkish Peanuts With Spicy, Roasted And Salted White Chickpeas, Roasted And Salted Yellow Chickpeas, Roasted Extra Salted Sunflower Seeds, Roasted Hazelnut Kernels, Roasted Sunflower Seeds, Asorti Mix, Dorleo Cashew Nuts, Raw Mixed Nuts, Dorleo Asorti Mix, Bahceden Energy Mix, Bahce\den Raw Cashew Nuts, Bahceden Raw Almond, Bahceden Walnut Kernels, Dorleo Pumpkin Seeds, Dorleo Interior Sweet Almond, Dorleo Interior Sweet Almond, Carnival, Natural Snack Mix, Date, Cocktail, Festival Mixed Nut, Classical, Pistachio, Raw Cashew Nuts, Kernel of an Almond, Meat of a Walnut, Raw Walnut, Kernel of an Almond, Nutmeat, Raw Almond, Mixed Nuts Sport, Dried Red Fruits, Raw Mixed Nuts, Natural Fig, Nuts Bar with Peanut, Nutzz Salty Peanut, Bar Sport, Saltless Sunflower Seeds, Bar Orange Almond, Classical Sunflower Seeds, Extra Salted Sunflower Seeds, Barbecue Sauce Corn, Nuts Bar with Hazelnut, Dorleo Pumpkin Seeds, Bahceden Crispy Cheese, Citliyo Classic Sunflower Seeds, Nutzz Barbecue Corn Snacks, Pumpkin Seeds, Peanut, Sultaniye Raisins, Nuts Saltless Pumpkin Seeds, Mixed Nuts, Saltless Sunflower Seeds, Bahceden Antioksidant Mix, Bahceden Form Mix, Dorleo, Fried Peanut, Dried Apricots, Barbecue Sauce Corn, Natural Snack Mix, Festival Mixed Nut, Dried Plum, Sun Dried Apricots, Dorleo Hazelnut Kernels, Yellow Roasted Chickpea, Peanut with Sauce, Nutmeat, Pumpkin Seeds, Raw Nutmeat, Roasted Saltless Pumpkin Seeds, Peanut with Hot Sauce, Double Roasted Yellow Chickpeas, Bahceden Crispy Mandalin, Bahceden Crispy Peach, Dorleo Pistachio, Shelled Peanuts, Trimmed Hazelnut, Dried Tomatoes, Dorleo Cashew Nuts, Meat of a Walnut, Cappuccino Flavoured Milk Chocolate Coated Roasted Chickpeas, Chocolate and Cinnamon Coated Roasted Chickpeas, Honey and Sesame Coated Roasted Chickpeas, Milk Chocolate Coated Roasted Chickpeas, Roasted Chickpeas with Garlic, Crunchy White Roasted Chickpeas, Crisp Roasted Chickpeas with Soy, Big Box of Roasted Chickpeas Assortment, Small Box of Roasted Chickpeas Assortment.


What are the nutritional benefits of nuts?

The nuts have an aromatic taste. They tempt all palates. Nuts have a very big nutritional value so used in diets. The nut takes the best flavor and aroma when it is full grown on plants.


How are nuts served?

The nuts are consumed daily. You can use the nuts to decorate salads. They can be used in making different kinds of desserts, cookies, and cakes. It can be used as a snack served with drinks.


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